The ERGOS® II™ next generation work simulation system exhibits several new features that make it the newest and most advanced technology for work capacity and functional assessment. Besides keeping many of the key features that have made ERGOS® the “world standard” in the assessment and work conditioning arena, the Simwork Systems design team and Work Recovery Europa, owners of the technology, have advanced several unique features that users need.
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The ERGOS® Sapphire™ Work Assessment System is available in Wall Mount and Portable versions that use less than 25 square feet of floor space and measures 15 work demands defined by the U.S. and Canadian Departments of Labor.
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The ERGOS® Sapphire™ Quick Tester upper extremity assessment component system offers features often requested by therapists and other users of the ERGOS® and Sapphire™ product lines. First, each of the upper extremity tools found in the Sapphire™ Portable Upper Extremity Testing (UET) version can be purchased ala cart for use as therapy and/or assessment tools in a variety of settings.
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Sim Work Samples is a new generation of work samples offered by Simwork Systems, the leader in human performance assessment tools. Beginning in 2011, Simwork Systems will be releasing the Sim Work Samples line to the general public.
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ERGOS® Classic Work Simulator
The ERGOS® Classic original generation work simulation system was the first computerized work assessment system. First introduced to the world in 1986, many of this generaion of systems, running on DOS, are still operational today. Testimony to our ability to design robust and durable systems.